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Health stuff.

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Health stuff. Empty Health stuff.

Post  Guest Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:15 pm

Who else has medical health issues? How do they manifest and how do you manage your health?

I've got Grave's disease which is also known as auto-immune hyperthyroidism. I keep forgetting about this and then when I notice physical symptoms I get self-critical about diet or something and then remember, "Oh yeah, cracked out thyroid." Right now it's my hair that's feeling the effects. It's dry, brittle, broken. I'm paying extra careful attention to brush it carefully so I don't break it. Apparently doing your hair up in a towel can cause breakage and also brushing your hair while it's still wet. I try to make sure my hair is completely brushed before getting into the shower to minimize tangles to brush through after. Also, speaking of hair, I'm going no-poo. I've been doing it for a few weeks now. I found this little kit at the thrift store for a dollar - shampoo soap bar, apple cider herbal rinse and then an herbal conditioner after-shower spray. It worked so fantastically but I ran out and so now I'm doing baking soda as shampoo and vinegar as conditioner. It's so hard to not do it every day, I'm used to shampooing every day. But you really only need to do it about twice a week apparently. I was doing it a few days straight so I think that contributed to my brittle locks as well. I might start doing a weekly coconut oil treatment. I tried an egg yolk and olive oil hair treatment a few weeks ago and it was pretty gross, I kept rinsing and rinsing and my hair didn't get un-greasy until about two or three showers.

Also I've got keratosis pilaris, where my skin doesn't shed properly and the follicles build up these little goosebumps. On the back of my upper arms and the tops of my thighs. It's so annoying because I wish I had smooth legs but the visual of these little bumps just makes me sad.

As for mental health, I've got an unidentified anxiety disorder. With panic attacks. And some mood stuff too.

Oh also, I have to do lab work every three months and see an endocrinologist about every five months or something. I was supposed to go in a few weeks ago for both and I skipped it because I just can't afford to for a few more months. :/ Ah. And my prescription is almost out. From the lab works, I've shown elevated liver enzymes a couple of times. This means that something is up. That I have hepatitis or liver cancer. Or that I had the flu at the time of lab work, which I didn't. So I have cirrhosis of the liver I think. And I can't afford to go in. Urgh.


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Health stuff. Empty Re: Health stuff.

Post  SnailienX Wed May 01, 2013 6:58 am

I'm so sorry Sad

Ive got mental and physical health issues as well, ive got fibromyalgia. Basically its the chronic pain disease. every inch of my body hurts everyday, my muscles either feel like their all on fire or like someone is taking a sledge hammer and beating the shit out of me lol.
I almost died of a disease called pancreatitis, when i was 19. Had two emergency surgeries and Im fine now Smile

I have anxiety and paranoia disorder as well, i HATE panic attacks, and sometimes anxiety doesnt leave me for weeks at a time. Ive also got PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) the episodes have decreased over the years or at least gotten less..violent lol. but Im still triggered easily. I have agoraphobia, but i really really try to work on it, and i do leave the house more now, just cant do it often, i have to be emotionally ready i guess. I also have OCD. and body dysmorphic disorder. FUN LABELS!! lol. I think im just an emotional person haha.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2013-04-28
Age : 35
Location : CT,USA

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